Monday, November 22, 2010

Rendering QML on 3D cube

QML content can be embedded into 3D world by rendering it on QGraphicsScene that is used as a texture for 3D object. See video below.


  1. Wow! That's neat! Found this by accident while playing around with the sample QML twitter application from Qt. Keep up the great work!

    BTW, it would be really nice if you'd publish the source :)

    Greetings from Switzerland.

  2. great job!
    It would be nice to get the code:

    The selection and interaction with a projected object is not clear for me: Do you get a direct feedback (event, signal...) coming from the API or do you emulate it from the 2D point coordinates?

  3. this is nice.....
    this video very helpful for us about 3D cube and you can share more info about 3D Rendering and 3D Rendering Company.

  4. Nice Blog, Thanks for sharing great information about 3D Rendering 3d rendering software and coming from the API or do you emulate it from the 2D point coordinates?
