Friday, November 26, 2010

WebGL inspector for Chromium, Webkit and Firefox

WebGL debugging tool for Chromium, Webkit and Firefox (coming soon) was introduced:

"WebGL Inspector is a tool inspired by gDEBugger and PIX with the goal of making the development of advanced WebGL applications easier. What Firebug and Developer Tools are to HTML/JS, WebGL Inspector is to WebGL."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Rendering QML on 3D cube

QML content can be embedded into 3D world by rendering it on QGraphicsScene that is used as a texture for 3D object. See video below.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Qt WebKit supports HTML5

As published by Qt-webpage, Qt WebKit Integration is an integration of WebKit with Qt. It provides an HTML browser engine that makes it easy to run web apps or embed web content into Qt applications. Qt WebKit supports HTML5 and WebGL specifications.

There is also a 3D Flickr HTML5 demo video available to demonstrate the HTML5 and WebGL possibilities with Qt.

WebGL seminar at TUT

A WebGL seminar will be organized at Tampere University of Technology by Prof. Tommi Mikkonen and Dr. Antero Taivalsaari. The seminar will start at December 9, 2010 and end at spring 2011.

In this seminar, WebGL and the emerging WebGL libraries will be investigated in the form of student presentations, application development exercises and group discussions. Students will prepare a presentation on one of the topics they choose, and will give a presentation in front of the seminar participants to summarize their findings. Students will also build sample applications using at least one of the libraries mentioned above.

For more information about the seminar, check: WebGL Seminar @ TUT